Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Sun's bedtime rituals

January 11, 2014
a day spent with legal writing suddenly activated my right brain...
I remember driving back from Nadiad with Aryan sitting on my lap as the sun was setting...he gazed outside the window and I asked him if he knew why it was setting...our conversation revealed that the sun also becomes tired at the end of a very long day of shining its warmth and so just like humans and animals, he must take rest. But before nestling himself into the cushiony clouds, there are so many friends that he must bid good-night...all of the birds come flocking to him as well to kiss him on his warm, rosy cheeks. And just as the sun dips himself into his favorite pair of pajamas, his friend, Mother Moon, rises with a lovely yawn, stretching her arms here and there before settling herself into the night sky...she shines her light selflessly onto Earth as her friend Sun rests. Sometimes, when she is being naughty and mischievous, Mother Moon gathers all of her star friends to sprinkle their star dust all over Sun while he's asleep! It's in the mornings after Sun has been sprinkled with star dust that the Sun-rise is the most glorious...even though poor Sun is sneezing the entire time! Mother Moon can only giggle in the background, for she is hidden now from Earth. But if we humans could see her giggling, we would see Mother Moon's tummy bouncing up and down with such innocent joy:) Usually the Sun feigns displeasure and reaches his rays around Earth to tickle Mother Moon's tummy so that her giggle becomes uncontrollable!

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