Saturday, November 22, 2014

Might Spider

a to be continued children's story:
Did you know that everything in our world is interconnected? From the sun to the moon to the flowers to the birds and animals to us human beings? Just as the sun rises to start the morning, the flowers bow in love, dew dripping onto the sweet blades of grass. The grass drinks it up so quickly, for they were thirsty from the night before!
Sun, well rested from his beauty sleep in the clouds, stretches his rays of warmth with a contented yawn, tickling the whispy, white clouds until they awaken, one by one. If you wake up early enough, you can see the clouds changing shape as they role around in their bed of Sky, poking one another playfully all the while. Of course, this is the picture of the ideal morning when everything has gone just as it should....
But poor Sun feels so terrible about the morning when he forgot to wake up....or rather, when Bird felt so disoriented from the city's pollution, that he just couldn't think clearly anymore and so instead of flying to Sun to wake him up that morning, poor Bird thought day was night and night was day.
On that morning, the clouds were sound asleep and the flowers on Mother Earth too, their petals softly folded over their eyes. The sweet blades of grass were folded in the blanket of Earth. Everyone was dozing, unaware that Mother Moon had fallen asleep after a long night of shining her light.
Poor Mother Moon, she tried so hard to stay awake and prolong the night until Sun woke up but she just couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. And all of the stars had by then fallen asleep too and without the stars, Mother Moon felt so alone.
So there it was. Mother Moon hanging crookedly in Sky, the way we look after falling asleep on a couch that's too little for us. Sun still dozing and Mother Earth completely unaware that everything was off. What to do!?
Thank goodness for Mighty Little Spider that literally saved the Day! Mighty Little Spider always woke up every morning at 5:30 am on the dot . He slept in his web, woven into an inconspicuous corner of Mother Earth, always worried about disturbing others with his sticky web. Each morning, perched on the edge of his delicately spun web, Mighty Spider eagerly awaited his favorite part of the day, rubbing two of his legs together in anticipation...oh, the beauty and warmth of the glorious sun...he loved how the sun's rays made the fine strings in his web sparkle like silver threads in the morning one really appreciated his existence the way they did flowers or even grass but the Sun made him feel seen and loved.
So when 5:45 am came and there was still no Sun, Mighty Spider started to worry...had he woken up too early? Had Sun decided to share his rays with everyone else except him? He peeked down through his web and saw that all the flowers were still sound asleep, their petals covered over their heads. Hmmm....what was going on!?
And then Mighty Spider remembered something! What did he remember, you might wonder? Well, it hit him like a light bulb! He realized that there had to be something wrong with Sun...he was sure it was almost 6:00 am by now because he saw the sweet blades of grass turning here and there, searching for the drops of dew that the flowers usually shared in the early morning...they were thirsty!
Mighty Spider decided that it was up to him to literally save the day! Oh how excited he was...for once his web making skills would be appreciated and even respected! He started spinning and spinning so fast, faster than he had ever spun in his whole life...if he could spin his web up into one of the bird's nest and send the urgent message to Bird that Sun had forgotten to wake up, then maybe Bird could deliver the message to Sun.
Sure Bird would get all the credit for saving the day, but Mighty Spider realized that the greater well being of Mother Earth was at stake. How could he only think of himself at such a time?! He knew that awakening Sun was greater than himself and the thought of that inspired him!
With no more time to waste, Mighty Spider got into action mode, spinning faster than ever before until his web was long enough to swing onto Tree and scurry up his branches to wake up Bird.
To be continued....

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