Sunday, November 30, 2014

Lunar Eclipse

Once upon a time there lived a tree.  He was a tall tree, hovering over the entire forest, and quite leafy with lots of twisty branches.  All the creatures loved this tree, for he was a wise and gentle tree but also so much fun.  Every season the birds would come flocking, eager to find the best spot in the leafy branches to weave their nests.  The squirrels would climb up and down and over and under, searching for the perfect nook and cranny to hide their hard earned treasures. And the tiniest of critters, especially the most elegant and beautiful of them all-Little Ms. Lady Bug, would crawl here and there, and drink with joy from the pools of water collected by each leaf.  He was a generous tree and loved his friends just as much as they loved him.  One night, after all the creatures had fallen into a deep, restful sleep, the tree was still awake, humming to himself and feeling grateful for all that he was given.  He arched his busy eyebrows and tipped his head back to greet Mr. Moon.  

"Hello Mr. Moon. How do you do tonight?"

Yawning, Mr. Moon said, "Oh, I'm ok. I guess I'm just bored. Every night I do the same thing and I don't get to have fun like all your friends in the forest. I have to be responsible and light up the sky."

"Oh Mr. Moon, don't you know how beautiful your light is? It shines so silvery and bright, even the stars twinkle with joy to be in your presence!"

"But I want to have fun! I guess I just get lonely up here all by myself."

"Oh, well why don't you come down here for a bit? Everyone is asleep and no one will notice that you left the sky for a few minutes! Come on down and swing on my branches!"

"Oh, really? Do you think I could really do that?  It would be so much fun and make me so happy!"

"Of course!"

"Ok! Well here I come!"

And so Mr. Moon left the sky and swung in the twisty branches, bouncing his light from leaf to leaf, laughing in delight.  When it was time to return to the sky, Mr. Moon felt so refreshed and even brighter than he did before. 

Ever since that evening, from time to time, every once in a while, Mr. Moon still decides to leave the sky for a few minutes and have a little fun with his friend Tree. He heard from his friend in the sky, Ms. Cloud, that the humans have started calling these instances something strange..."lunar eclipse".  Humans are such a funny creature...maybe they too should just have a little fun, take a break, and swing in the branches:).

Saturday, November 22, 2014


January 17, 2015 An Offering: I was running late for work this morning, my mind rushing through the work ahead. And then something extraordinary happened. A gorgeously colored red leaf stopped me in my path. It must have gently floated there from its former home in a tree. Thinking about the life of this leaf, I suddenly felt so small and insignificant. It was once bright green and full of life, thriving in a family of tree leaves. And now there it lay so quiet and unassuming. I was struck by its vibrant beauty, even after it breathed its final breath. With nothing left to take from Mother Earth, a final offering was made for anyone that might cross its path. I gingerly bent down to receive this gift.. Late for work that I was. But the lightness in my step: Irreplaceable.

Nature, my Teacher

January 16, 2014 For the past few mornings, despite the unusually warm weather here in the bay area, Wind has been feeling quite gusty! Walking uphill to work, my first reaction is to bow my head down and close my eyes shut...but on this particular morning, I noticed the flowers in my peripheral vision, the soft petals on their heads smiling gloriously towards Wind, inviting her powerful energy into their day, as if they were saying, "thank you for your spirit"...and so I was inspired to join their welcoming and suddenly I felt so gentle a teacher these flowers were for me, so effortlessly reminding me of my own true nature...

Might Spider

a to be continued children's story:
Did you know that everything in our world is interconnected? From the sun to the moon to the flowers to the birds and animals to us human beings? Just as the sun rises to start the morning, the flowers bow in love, dew dripping onto the sweet blades of grass. The grass drinks it up so quickly, for they were thirsty from the night before!
Sun, well rested from his beauty sleep in the clouds, stretches his rays of warmth with a contented yawn, tickling the whispy, white clouds until they awaken, one by one. If you wake up early enough, you can see the clouds changing shape as they role around in their bed of Sky, poking one another playfully all the while. Of course, this is the picture of the ideal morning when everything has gone just as it should....
But poor Sun feels so terrible about the morning when he forgot to wake up....or rather, when Bird felt so disoriented from the city's pollution, that he just couldn't think clearly anymore and so instead of flying to Sun to wake him up that morning, poor Bird thought day was night and night was day.
On that morning, the clouds were sound asleep and the flowers on Mother Earth too, their petals softly folded over their eyes. The sweet blades of grass were folded in the blanket of Earth. Everyone was dozing, unaware that Mother Moon had fallen asleep after a long night of shining her light.
Poor Mother Moon, she tried so hard to stay awake and prolong the night until Sun woke up but she just couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. And all of the stars had by then fallen asleep too and without the stars, Mother Moon felt so alone.
So there it was. Mother Moon hanging crookedly in Sky, the way we look after falling asleep on a couch that's too little for us. Sun still dozing and Mother Earth completely unaware that everything was off. What to do!?
Thank goodness for Mighty Little Spider that literally saved the Day! Mighty Little Spider always woke up every morning at 5:30 am on the dot . He slept in his web, woven into an inconspicuous corner of Mother Earth, always worried about disturbing others with his sticky web. Each morning, perched on the edge of his delicately spun web, Mighty Spider eagerly awaited his favorite part of the day, rubbing two of his legs together in anticipation...oh, the beauty and warmth of the glorious sun...he loved how the sun's rays made the fine strings in his web sparkle like silver threads in the morning one really appreciated his existence the way they did flowers or even grass but the Sun made him feel seen and loved.
So when 5:45 am came and there was still no Sun, Mighty Spider started to worry...had he woken up too early? Had Sun decided to share his rays with everyone else except him? He peeked down through his web and saw that all the flowers were still sound asleep, their petals covered over their heads. Hmmm....what was going on!?
And then Mighty Spider remembered something! What did he remember, you might wonder? Well, it hit him like a light bulb! He realized that there had to be something wrong with Sun...he was sure it was almost 6:00 am by now because he saw the sweet blades of grass turning here and there, searching for the drops of dew that the flowers usually shared in the early morning...they were thirsty!
Mighty Spider decided that it was up to him to literally save the day! Oh how excited he was...for once his web making skills would be appreciated and even respected! He started spinning and spinning so fast, faster than he had ever spun in his whole life...if he could spin his web up into one of the bird's nest and send the urgent message to Bird that Sun had forgotten to wake up, then maybe Bird could deliver the message to Sun.
Sure Bird would get all the credit for saving the day, but Mighty Spider realized that the greater well being of Mother Earth was at stake. How could he only think of himself at such a time?! He knew that awakening Sun was greater than himself and the thought of that inspired him!
With no more time to waste, Mighty Spider got into action mode, spinning faster than ever before until his web was long enough to swing onto Tree and scurry up his branches to wake up Bird.
To be continued....

The Other Side of Hope

February 15, 2014
What is the other side of Hope? Is it the Night sky on a Starless Night, Even the Moon only a Sliver of Light? In these Moments in Time 
Everything in our World Shockingly Halts,
As if our Lives were immortal (!) 
The wheels under our feet Screech to a Stop
Everything that seemed so important just Seconds ago.... 
Meaningless Frivolous, like the Garnish on a Silver plate
Hope-lessness evokes the sound of a Long and Tired Sigh
But Feels coated in Eggplant Purple
Shining an iridescent Light
Beaming Brightly into our Heart Center
Imagine your Heart like a Warm and Fuzzy Thing
Its arms wide Open, Just waiting to be Hugged
In that Moment that seemed Hope-less
We can finally Hear the Whispering Wisdom of Intuition.
"Just Feel and Be Free."
We hear this voice so clearly when a loved one passes from our lives, Suddenly the neurons of our Heart are given recognition.
But for how long?
Inevitably the Wheel beneath our feet begins Spinning again
And we allow ourselves to be Carried along, Comforting ourselves with the Illusion of Tomorrow.
If Intuition had a Beating Heart that we could decipher with words, Right now it would tell me to Stop.
So much of this seems Crazy and Senseless
What are we really Doing here?
And why do we keep doing it?
I am a Human-Being... Not a human-doing.
Today Time Stopped...and Hope-lessness?
It Transformed itself
Into the Wisdom I always Held...
But never Acknowledged...

Being with Raghbhai

“If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time.  But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” (Lila Watson, from Indicorps website)

Since I have been back from India, many people have asked me one question that has been difficult to answer.  “What did you do while you were there?”  How do I answer this? Throughout the indescribable five weeks that I spent with the Manav Sadhna community at the Gandhi Ashram, I did a lot of being and very little actual doing.  As I have been reflecting on this, I’ve experienced various reactions, ranging from guilt for not doing anything that created tangible results to utter joy from the simplicity of just being.  I wasn’t sure how to process these contradictory emotions.  Recently, a few friends sat down with me and compassionately forced me to think through these feelings (you know who you areJ).  The conversation, guided by deep and present listening, led me to question the standard measuring stick we often apply to our contributions and I’m realizing more everyday that heart-led being creates infinite and immeasurably more ripples than mind-led doing.  This is not to say that we do nothing and just sit back and observe.  Rather, I believe heart-led being is what ultimately creates a doing that is not driven by ego or ambition, but instead, by purity of intention.  And this is what allows for co-creative forces to organically coalesce, contributing to the greater good in distinct, yet equally valuable ways.
So, in a nutshell, I guess this is how I would answer the question that prompted all of this pondering to begin with!  And what ripples have this heart-led being created since I have been back? Infinite and immeasurable ones….and they are still being createdJ.  But this personal reflection has more to do with the being I experienced while in India.  How was I being?  A lot of it was through my heart’s friend, Raghubhai.
“Everyone makes me a hero but I always strive to make myself zero…this is the only way that I can truly connect with people at the heart level.”
Raghubhai has been called many things. Shravan. Love Warrior. Noble Friend. All of these names are fitting, yet no names or words can really capture Raghubhai’s spirit.  For years, he has devoted his time to acting sort of like a “meals on wheels”.  He personally delivers tiffins (Indian lunch boxes) to elderly individuals in the slums that rely on the sympathy of their neighbors for nutritious food.  Raghubhai began serving in this way through the help of a single donation that has replicated itself ever since (mainly through anonymous, unsolicited donations).
After reading all of this, you might be surprised to learn that Raghubhai does all of this without the assistance of his legs.  He lost the ability to walk after contracting polio at the age of three.  But with a smile that lights up the entire street, Raghubhai pedals a hand operated tricycle to maneuver through Ahmedabad’s busy city roads and through the narrow slum alleyways.  In the front of his tricycle, he is able to squeeze in 14 steel tiffins, each with three tiers of food containers.  At the entrance of each tiny room, he hops off his tricycle and walks on his hands to greet each person.  Raghubhai personally delivers these tiffins so that he can spend quality time with each person, hear their struggles, and support them in other ways if possible.  Because his amazing spirit brings out the generosity in everyone around him, nearby neighbors volunteer themselves to carry the tiffins and walk along with Raghubhai through the alleyways.  If you tried to praise Raghubhai’s compassion, his response would be that he is just an instrument through which God is serving those that are most in need.
When I first heard about him through friends that have volunteered at Manav Sadhna, my heart went out to him and I thought, “Wow, what an amazing person…I can’t believe he cannot walk.”  After meeting and delivering tiffins with him, my thoughts have transformed.  Raghubhai’s bright spirit and infinite kindness creates ripples of compassion everywhere he goes.  These ripples manifest themselves externally and internally.  It seems that everyone that crosses his path is inspired to serve with him and something inside is changed by the end of the day.  It might be a quiet and subtle shift but it is a shift nonetheless.  And it seems that this shift spills into everything else in our lives…at least this is what being with Raghubhai has created for me.
I feel that, actually I know, that I went to India in search of spiritual love and belonging.  I desperately wanted to find my purpose and my place.  I wanted to make a tangible contribution that would allow me to feel like my life, my existence mattered.  Almost immediately upon arriving, I grappled with the ethos of Manav Sadhna, which is to create and contribute by being rather than focusing on doing.  How could I just be when I only had five weeks to do?  Would I leave India not having accomplished anything?  What would bemy contribution???  I was excited to meet Raghubhai during my second week…finally, I could help him to deliver food and I could fall asleep happy, knowing that I had done something.  But as I spent more and more time with him, and Raghubhai became my friend, delivering food was just icing on the cake.  What I looked forward to more than anything else was just being with him.  Being in his presence expanded my heart and opened my eyes.  The analysis paralysis of my mind took a break for once.  I didn’t know whether I was being or doing or both but it didn’t matter because I was so content!
As the weeks raced by me and the time for returning to my life in DC approached, fear crept into me.  How could I possibly return in the middle of winter to a city that seems to thrive off of never ending “happy hours” and conversations that revolve around that dreaded question, “What do you do (in your profession)?”  I felt myself clinging to the people and environment around me.  I became convinced that I couldn’t leave. So much so that when I got to the airport, I learned that my domestic flight to Delhi had been canceled, causing me to miss my connecting international flight (Signs from the universe or my stupidity for flying on Air India?)!
Arriving back at the airport in Washington Dulles was tough. All I wanted to do was to get on the next flight back to India.  But the very next day I somehow crawled out of bed and went to work. Nothing had changed….yet everything had changed.  As I have gone about my work/life routine over the past month, I’ve noticed a subtle shift taking place in my outlook, which of course spills into my interactions and decisions.  The more present that I am in my interactions with anyone, judgments and presumptions (even subconscious ones) are replaced by love and acceptance.  Perhaps just being with Raghubhai has helped to create more of a being spirit in my life back here.
One of my most heartwarming memories with Raghubhai was during one of my last nights in Ahemedabad. He had just been gifted a three wheel scooter by a team of love warriors so that he could perform his work more quickly and easily.  (Pedaling a heavy tiffen laden tricycle with your hands is no joke, which I quickly realized the few times I shared a seat with him.)  So there I was sitting on the back of his scooter, zooming through the busy night streets on our way to Seva Cafe, the car lights behind us a blurry mist, and he started singing a spiritual song at the top of his lungs.  Raghubhai has been gifted with a beautiful voice (scroll to the bottom in the “comments” section) perhaps because God knew he would use it to bring light to others.  I looked up at the vast sky above us and smiled in gratitude to the universe.
Reflecting on that evening now as well as Raghubhai’s angelic voice, I am also reminded of a recent note that my friend Rahul Pardasani posted in reference to him.  It was taken from the writings of Kahlil Gibran’s, “The Prophet”, and it said:
“And you receivers… and you are all receivers… assume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon him who gives.
Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings;
For to be overmindful of your debt, is to doubt his generosity who has the freehearted earth for mother, and God for father.”
The gratitude that each person feels when they cross paths with Raghubhai has inspired many to fast on Thursdays and donate the money that would have gone towards their lunch or dinner towards Raghubhai’s tiffin fund.  “Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings.”
When I asked Raghubhai about his views on spirituality, he shared with me that he sees God in everyone.  Perhaps this is how he was able to see the need in the elderly when everyone else had forgotten.  Perhaps this is how he is able to bring hope and unity into the homes of families that are experiencing terrible difficulties.  Delivering tiffins by day, Raghubhai also delivers holy tulsi plants by evening.  These plants have a deep symbolic meaning in Hindu tradition and they are meant to bring peace and harmony into our environment.  He sings a special prayer with each plant that is delivered.  After the completion of the tulsi ceremony I felt the beauty of his voice lingering in the air, touching everyone with love.
While growing up as a boy in a small rural town, Raghubhai spent evenings listening to lectures from the Bhagavad Gita.  Something that resonated with him was the teaching about attachment and service.  Do not get attached to the fruits of your labor.  This is what creates expectations and takes away from the purity of your original intention.
“My world has changed ever since I came to Manav Sadhna. From the people here, I started thinking positive all the time.  No matter if I am doing something small, I do my best to help someone by giving compassion and love.  I used to second guess my open emotions and wondered, “Should I show them my love?” But now I love openly. No matter what is happening in the world, I want to continue doing good work.  I can’t become Jayeshbhai but I can learn from his thoughts and his actions and try to be like him.  I pray to continue learning and growing.  He came forward from his karma and I want to come forward from my good karma, from my love.  Everyone makes me a hero but I always strive to make myself zero…this is the only way that I can truly connect with people at the heart level.”
Cultivating selfless, pure love is a journey over many lifetimes.  When I become lost along my path, I know I can always reflect on Raghubhai’s life as a guiding light.
- See more at:

Seconds in moments of our lives

January 24, 2014 Nearing the end of another day as dusk settles velvety purple into the Pacific Ocean. On the other side of the world my husband awakes with the first rays of dawn and the high pitched horns of rickshaws. While only a 12 hour difference on the human clock, it seems like months if we measured time in moments.
If we measured time in moments, how many moments pass us by unnoticed or unexpressed?
I wonder how many moments we lose in an hour as they slip by so unassuming, dressed in camouflage, skirting through the second hand before the minute has a chance to capture their beauty?
Imagine if we measured time, not by the tasks to be completed by a certain hour, but instead by the moments in between, the stuff that makes up life. Would the mundane reveal itself to be something more colorful than its shallow exterior leads us to believe?
I remember the seconds before the #18 rolls up Solano Avenue every morning, my mind already climbing the steps and scanning my card before the bus has even stopped in front of me.
Reeling back in time and living those seconds anew, I catch a glimpse of a butterfly's wings, flapping so quickly that a liquid rainbow fills my peripheral vision.
I notice the kindness in the bus driver's eyes before quickly brushing past him to be on my way. Will his days begin and end just like mine?
I feel the warmth of the sun, its rays bursting through each and every window, casting a light of possibility.
I catch a glimpse of a bundled up baby, pulled in close to her mother's heart...and a sea of vibrantly colored flowers waving in the crisp breeze
I count my breaths second by second as I climb each step to the office on Shattuck Street...and feel the beating of my heart... And realize for that elusive second what a miracle it really is.
Only 30 minutes on a clock... But 1800 seconds in moments of our lives.

This thing called worry

January 21, 2014 What is this thing called Worry? It comes and goes as it pleases, uninvited as usual, dressed in that dreary black dress, and staying much longer than what is considered polite. All the other thoughts, especially the pleasant ones, seem to not stay long enough, in a hurry it seems to light up another person's heart with joy and enthusiasm. They're like the popular stars of the party, overbooked at three different appearances on the same night and you should feel so lucky that they made time to show up at your party! What if I could find a way to rush Worry out the door and send her on her way with a quick smile and a firm click of the door? I'm sure Worry would hunch up her shoulders and scrunch up her face, ready to throw a tantrum and holler with great resistance! Similar to any child that feels like she isn't being heard or appreciated, perhaps Worry is simply asking for a little bit of acknowledgment. "I'm real. I exist, whether you like me or not!" Ok Worry, I get it. You're as real as Optimism and Hope, Joy and Excitement. In fact, all of you really are the same, ephemeral in nature, visiting for a blip in time. The only HUGE difference is that Optimism, Hope, Joy, and Excitement enjoy being shared and multiplied...the more we share these delightful guests with others, the more often they seem to visit! Worry, on the other hand, gets no enjoyment out of being shared...she just wants to be acknowledged for her very important role. The magic of Worry is that while you can't entertain her for too long without becoming depleted of all your wonderful hostess energy, if you just let her hang out for a few minutes and sit with her as a compassionate observer, then Poof, all of a sudden she's gone! And the party of life goes on...many more thoughts just waiting to be entertained:).

A Priceless Moment

January 15, 2014: A Priceless Moment on the subway: On my way to SF on the morning BART... I like everyone else busy on this thing that's like an ex-tension of my arm... I'm reading this morning's Daily Good article about bringing what is priceless into out daily lives, moment to moment...For a second I look up and am lucky to catch a glimpse of a bird soaring through the crisp, blue sky... I smile to myself imagining the energy shift inside this metal compartment if the bird somehow decided to pay us all a visit, plopping himself carefreely on someone's head, piercing his eyes into mine, as if challenging me to imagine the impossible, the ludicrous, the stuff we only dream of in the midst of a hazy afternoon lost in a computer screen. Im-possible? Or radically Possible?

The Sun's bedtime rituals

January 11, 2014
a day spent with legal writing suddenly activated my right brain...
I remember driving back from Nadiad with Aryan sitting on my lap as the sun was setting...he gazed outside the window and I asked him if he knew why it was setting...our conversation revealed that the sun also becomes tired at the end of a very long day of shining its warmth and so just like humans and animals, he must take rest. But before nestling himself into the cushiony clouds, there are so many friends that he must bid good-night...all of the birds come flocking to him as well to kiss him on his warm, rosy cheeks. And just as the sun dips himself into his favorite pair of pajamas, his friend, Mother Moon, rises with a lovely yawn, stretching her arms here and there before settling herself into the night sky...she shines her light selflessly onto Earth as her friend Sun rests. Sometimes, when she is being naughty and mischievous, Mother Moon gathers all of her star friends to sprinkle their star dust all over Sun while he's asleep! It's in the mornings after Sun has been sprinkled with star dust that the Sun-rise is the most glorious...even though poor Sun is sneezing the entire time! Mother Moon can only giggle in the background, for she is hidden now from Earth. But if we humans could see her giggling, we would see Mother Moon's tummy bouncing up and down with such innocent joy:) Usually the Sun feigns displeasure and reaches his rays around Earth to tickle Mother Moon's tummy so that her giggle becomes uncontrollable!


November 21, 2013
In India getting ready for the's all sort of strange running here and there for things I apparently must, clothes, didn't feel like India though, despite the chaos of life out in the streets, until I visited some of the Moved By Love and Manav Sadhna family at the Gandhi Ashram....then that familiar love within my heart began to emerge anew, slowly rubbing its eyes and remembering, letting out a quiet sigh, the kind of sigh that only comes forth when you know you're home, where you're meant to be...

Mr. Moon and Tree

October 19, 2013
Once upon a time there lived Tree. Tree was very tall, hovering over the entire forest, and quite leafy with lots of twisty branches. All the creatures loved Tree, for she was wise and gentle, but also so much fun! Every season the birds would come flocking, eager to find the best spot in Tree's leafy branches to weave their nests. The squirrels would climb up and down and over and under, searching for the perfect nook and cranny to hide their hard earned treasures. And the tiniest of critters, especially the most elegant and beautiful of them all-Little Ms. Lady Bug, would crawl here and there, and drink with joy from the pools of water collected within Tree's leaves.
Tree was so generous and loved her friends just as much as they loved her. One night, after all the creatures had fallen into a deep, restful sleep, Tree was still awake, humming to herself, her branches dancing softly in the night breeze. She arched her eyebrows and tipped her head back to greet Mr. Moon.
"Hello Mr. Moon. How do you do tonight?"
Yawning, Mr. Moon said, "Oh, I'm ok. I guess I'm just bored. Every night I do the same thing and I don't get to have fun like all your friends in the forest. I have to be responsible and light up the sky."
"Oh Mr. Moon, don't you know how beautiful your light is? It shines so silvery and bright, even the stars twinkle with joy to be in your presence!"
"But I want to have fun! I guess I just get lonely up here all by myself."
"Oh, well why don't you come down here for a bit? Everyone is asleep and no one will notice that you left the sky for a few minutes! Come on down and swing on my branches!"
"Oh, really? Do you think I could really do that? It would be so much fun and make me so happy!"
"Of course!"
"Ok! Well here I come!"
And so Mr. Moon left the sky and swung in the twisty branches, bouncing his light from leaf to leaf, laughing in delight. When it was time to return to the sky, Mr. Moon felt so refreshed and even brighter than he did before.
Ever since that evening, from time to time, every once in a while, Mr. Moon still decides to leave the sky for a few minutes and have a little fun with his friend Tree.
He heard from his friend in the sky, Ms Cloud, that the humans have started calling these instances something strange..."lunar eclipse". Humans are such funny creatures...maybe they too should just have a little fun, take a break, and swing in Tree's branches:).

A Moment of Silent Gratitude

anted memories that yellow with has graced my life and overflowed my cup in the form of tears and laughter, shared meals and cupcakes, incredibly thoughtful gifts that I don't feel I deserve, and hugs, so many warm can one person receive so much without wondering why and wondering how I will ever pay it all forward? moving here to the west coast was a huge leap of faith, enabled by an awesome community of support...but in the middle of Wednesdays meditation last night in Santa Clara, the sadness of letting go and moving forward began to sink in, followed by that familiar fear of the occurred to me then that perhaps this overflowing cup of love is waiting to be needs to be shared in every moment, with every passing interaction in nature, with animals, or with my fellow human beings...but it takes courage to honor the love you have been given and pay it forward into the see opportunities to give, even when you're not sure it will be received...this is the most challenging for me, this is my edge...what better way to make the mind stop than to push against your edges and be in a state of love?

This passage by Kent Nerburn expresses it best:

"Love has its time, its own season, its own reason for coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it, or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you. [...] Love always has been and always will be a mystery. Be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Am Nothing

What stories do we weave
Like tight spools of tangled thread
About ourselves and others
In our lives
"Behind every addiction is the addiction to the story."
What is our sense of self
Our created identity
That we cannot let go of
Secretly desiring affirmation, after affirmation, after affirmation...
"Happiness is being able to live without anxiety of imperfection"
Must we cling to these stories
Or is it possible
To be nothing
If we could let go
Of labels, categories, and boxes
Could we realize
And experience
That when we are nothing
We are everything

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Being the Change

Recently there was an interesting deal on Living ``Purchase a $5 donation through Living Social and the popular online business would double the amount and donate it to the Red Cross relief efforts for Japan. My initial reaction was, “Wow, what a great idea! Just click to make a difference.” I believe Living Social ended up raising close to a million dollars through this scheme. However, later that day, I had an interesting conversation with a close friend. He had seen the deal as well and for some reason, the idea didn’t sit well with him. He later understood his uneasiness when he came across a blog entry on Charity After the writer of the blog came across the Living Social deal, his first thought was, “Wow, now donations are for sale!”

It’s interesting to examine the multiple facets of service. The Living Social deal, for example, could be a terrific way to make a quick impact for a worthy cause. In just one day, Red Cross’s budget for Japan relief efforts increased by a million dollars. But what the Charity Focus blog went on to describe was the human to human transformation that is lost in this type of transaction based giving model. Clicking to purchase a $5 donation not only creates zero connection to the individuals in Japan that you are hoping to help, but because of this lost connection, you become detached from a global catastrophe, limiting your own reflection on your individual accountability. In other words, the “click and give” model generally doesn’t lead us to question how our micro decisions impact the world at the macro level, and how these decisions may contribute to global warming, climate change, and an increase in natural disasters.

Without going off on too much of a tangent, there is something to be said about a giving model that creates a human to human connection. While volunteering with Be the Change in DC, I realized at a more profound level the impact of direct service. Offering sleeping bags to homeless individuals huddled under blankets in the cold DC night created a beautiful opportunity. I was able to engage with the homeless at a level which is difficult to achieve when you are rushing to work or some other appointment with a million thoughts flying through your mind. At times, guilt muddled with misplaced generosity might lead you to donate a few coins or bills without making eye contact and rushing onwards. But the opportunity to spend time talking to the homeless, through the medium of a sleeping bag, allowed me to remember how much we fundamentally have in common. So many of the individuals that I met shared with me their struggle to remain positive and revealed terrible instances of misfortune and bad luck. Their personal stories led me to question the impact of my own thoughts, decisions, and actions on the world around me.

Nothing could replace the human experience of direct service. And this is why my friend had that unsettling feeling when he came across the Living Social deal. Choosing to purchase a $5 donation, while honorable in its intent, forgoes the opportunity to connect with each other and experience an inner transformation. I could easily donate $35 for Be the Change’s sleeping bag fund but how would this create a deeper understanding of what homeless people are dealing with and how their dreams are so similar to my own? Why is this important? Because it reminds us that we are not alone….that we are all connected in our desire to live in a better society. Ultimately, to create sustainable change in this world, the kind where all of us are accountable for the impact of our individual decisions, human to human giving is essential. It makes you work harder to be the change you wish to see in the world.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Breathing Prana

As the sun began rising and the ocean waves lapped gently against the shoreline, my body curved into a backbend, creating a shadow in the sand. Sweat dripped down my face in crooked streams. Suddenly an ocean wave crashed against a nearby rock, breaking the rhythm of silence. I fell into the warm sand, salty water gushed into my pores, and my eyes squinted against the sting. I felt so alive. As my energy flowed into the ocean, its waves gave back a cool, refreshing embrace. The sun was now half awake, stretching its golden rays with a slow and thoughtful yawn. Yoga on the beach with the rising sun is like no other experience.

I began practicing yoga near the end of law school because I heard it was supposed to be a great stress reliever. I could honestly say that I felt exhilarated after my first yoga session and wished that the feeling would last throughout the day. Everything seemed possible and not as daunting as before and my head cleared of all the clutter. While all forms of exercise release endorphins, the difference I have experienced with yoga as opposed to running or aerobics is the concentration of my mind on the rhythmic flow of my body in harmony with my breath. For several minutes throughout a single yoga session, I find myself truly living in the present moment and there is something inexplicably amazing about this simple achievement. After continuing with my yoga practice for a few more weeks, I began to think about its larger purpose other than to release stress.

There have been several articles recently, for example in the New York Times and the Guardian, which explain how living in the present moment impacts our overall state of happiness. Without regretting or reliving the past or worrying about or planning for the future, we find ourselves simply content with what is right now. Echart Tolle, in The Power of Now, elaborates on this idea. He articulates that by being present in the here and now, we can release ourselves from all the anxiety and stress that blocks our life force, our prana. He describes the million worries we carry with us from the moment we awake to the final seconds before we fall asleep, but he asks an interesting question. “What percent of our list of worries and stresses are responsibilities that we actually need to address right now at this moment?” Usually, not a huge percent. By concentrating on this present moment, we can be content, or at least feel less weighed down than just five minutes ago.

Now imagine repeating these five minute cycles for only twenty to thirty minutes a day, just focusing on your breath in seated meditation, through pranayama, or with the flow of your body during yoga. These cycles of concentrated breathing in the present moment have the power of creating ripples of positive energy that radiate from your core into the universe you live in. It’s these positive ripples that flow from within us and around us that have more impact on helping us to fulfill our responsibilities than all the precious time lost in worrying and fretting. Just twenty minutes after one yoga or meditation session, makes me feel infinitely times better than before I started. It’s an amazing response that I can feel and see.

Having grown up in the Jain tradition, I began observing the meditative postures of Bhagavan Mahavir and the other great Jinas and asking myself about the significance of yoga in Jainism. Ahimsa is more than being vegetarian and living in peace; it’s also about controlling our unproductive and counterproductive thoughts in order to prevent the creation and attraction of negative energy to our souls. Sending negative energy out into the world and attracting it to our being is another form of violence, and sometimes an even more powerful force because our thoughts and resulting vibrations ripple around us, impacting our friends, family, co-workers, and even people we pass on the sidewalk. There is a domino effect and through yoga, I feel like I am able to control the force I release into the universe, at least for a few hours a day. Contemplating on this peace of mind through meditation is even more powerful.

I remember when I first began learning pranayama in order to complement my yoga and meditation practice. I was asked, “Imagine how your breathing changes with your emotions. For example, it becomes fast when you’re nervous and heavy when you’re sad. Now, imagine utilizing your breathing to control your emotions, and ultimately, to control your life.”

Women Rise in Egypt

The past few weeks have represented a dream come true for the women’s rights movement. Across Egypt, women and girls united and stood as one alongside their husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons in the country’s fight for democracy. As the world watched the celebrations in Egypt, news analysts began discussing the country’s future, debating whether a true democracy will have an opportunity to emerge in the coming months. Thus far mainstream media has failed to point out both the integral role of these brave women in the protests as well as the incredible opportunity the Egyptian revolution presents for realizing women’s rights not only in Egypt, but also in other countries in the Middle East.

A few months ago, I had the opportunity to befriend an incredible woman from Egypt named Ms. Fatma Emam Mohamed Mokhtar, who is a Research Associate for the Nazra Association for Feminist Studies based in Cairo. Fatma is a passionate, young woman in her late twenties, who has struggled to realize her identity in the midst of gender inequalities that are entrenched in this country’s public and private spheres. Despite being raised by a traditional Nubian, Islamic mother that strongly opposed Fatma’s participation in the protests, Fatma found the courage to join her fellow Egyptians in Tahrir Square. On her first day of joining the protests, she was wary of identifying with any sub-group, focused instead on supporting the great movement for a democracy in her country. But after some time she was truly amazed by the general unity that was demonstrated between all Egyptian women, regardless of their political or religious beliefs. This is not what she had expected.

This uprising unintentionally created a public space for all Egyptian men and women to come together and hear each other with open minds because they were unified behind a common purpose. The kind of revolution that resulted, where the government was overthrown not by a military coup or a political or religious ideology, but by a people that were united in their thirst for freedom and equal opportunities, this kind of revolution presents the foundation from which women’s rights in Egypt can be realized in an organic way, from the bottom up. Egypt’s new government has the potential for involving women at the grassroots level in an honest conversation about their country’s future but in the coming months this conversation must involve both men and women. Without undermining the unified force that overthrew the regime, it is imperative that Egyptian women play a key role by voicing their opinions and shaping legitimate political parties with meaningful solutions for improving gender disparities. The firecracker that set off the uprising was large numbers of unemployed or underemployed youth, frustrated with the status quo. If the male Egyptian youth are looking to create a more robust economy for their future, equal opportunities that allow women to fulfill their potential and contribute to a thriving economy is essential.

A debate between overlapping individual rights and religious and cultural norms is surely to arise at home and in public life. The women’s rights movement within Egypt is complicated. There are religious Muslim women who believe there should be a completely secular legal system and religious Muslim women who believe the Sharia legal code, the system of laws based on the Koran that determine women’s personal status rights, should continue to be applicable to family law cases. In Tahrir Square, there were women with head scarves standing with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim women without head scarves standing on their own, and Muslim women like Fatma, standing with head scarves but unaffiliated with any political party or ideology. It has only been one week since the revolution, but as they begin organizing around pressing issues, the old debates that not only divide men and women, but also women from women, are already returning.

According to many western scholars and policy makers, Fatma represents the next generation of Muslim feminists in Egypt who are integrating and harmonizing Islam with progressive feminist ideologies. In college, she was greatly influenced by the Arab feminist Fatima Mersini, whose criticism of religion opened the door for Fatma to begin questioning current Islamic jurisprudence. Ms. Mersini describes how men in Arab society supplement personal status Sharia laws with customary privileges that favor men while subjugating women, causing a view of themselves as lesser beings and discouraging full participation in public life.[1] Both Ms. Mersini and Fatma argue that a correct interpretation of the Koran empowers women and values their contribution to society as equally as men.

Currently, Fatma is working with the, “Going Visual” unit of the Nazra Association for Feminist Studies, in order to develop advertisements that depict women on the streets doing what is only socially acceptable for men to do. For example, there are snippets of women smoking hookahs and getting their hair cut in public by street barbers. They are meant to be provocative and humorous at once, with the aim of planting seedlings of change in the minds of both Egyptian men and women, leading them to question mainstream Islamic identity. Forcing Fatma’s generation to examine how and why they identify with the Islamic faith is crucial to Muslim women’s rights as well as Egypt’s advancement.

[1] Elhadj, Elie, “The Islamic Shield: Arab Resistance to Democratic and Religious Reforms,” 52.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Stuck in a Moment

Yesterday afternoon there I was, stuck in a moment. It was pouring beyond the glass doors of the University and as I watched people around me preparing to get soaked before they pushed through the barrier of protection, the sound of the train suddenly replaced the zoom of cars in the student parking lot.

I was leaving Mumbai. It was the last day of my summer break and my plane for the United States was departing that evening. And so, typical of my nature, I had about twenty bags in all shapes and sizes strewn about me on the floor of the tiny green room I had begun to call home. I am a perpetual bag woman and in this instance, my suitcases had already been shipped off, filled to the 50 pound limit with kurtis and salwaars. The monsoon rain was coming down in droves beyond my bedroom window and I knew a taxi to North Mumbai, where my uncle resided, would take at least two hours in the traffic. And all I wanted to do was pretend like I wasn’t really leaving.

I cursed my bags. I loved the rain. If I had to leave the city I had come to love as my own, then at least let me walk through its cluttered streets one last time. Every Mumbaiker has a plan of action for when the rain begins to pound down like thundering drums. The paani puri wala snaps up his plastic tarp to protect the special water made with a recipe known only to the rest of the paani puri walas in Mumbai. After moving to shield his income generating business, he pulls out an old umbrella and stands there patiently, taking a smoke or watching the droplets form puddles around his kiosk. Like the paani puri wala, there’s the corn wala, the chai wala, the phav bhaji wala, the newspaper wala, the fruit wala, the sabji wala, and so on. Each of these business men have a quick plan to cover up their living, pull up their trousers, and patiently wait under the shelter of an umbrella.

The traffic during the rain is horrendous. It is quicker to walk. Rickshaws that were dozing along the gulleys suddenly appear like a shiny army of black bugs, armed with blue tarpaulins to shield the “madums” in their saris and salwar kameez. And yet it is almost impossible to catch one of these rickshaws while you’re getting drenched to the core. They come out of nowhere and they are filled in a matter of seconds. With a city of roughly twenty million inhabitants, I suppose this makes sense. The thing about the Mumbai rains that you love and hate at once is the suddenness with which it comes. It teaches you to forget about muddy jeans and frizzy hair and just be...let it all go

Sunday, November 12, 2006

ode to my dear friend

i wanna close my eyes and click my chappals and transport myself onto his balcony...he's sitting on the rail and I'm standing in the corner gazing into that scene below that I have a million pictures of...let's take a walk together, what do you say? I'll even let you hold my hand in yours:)...let's take a walk along the bandstand and maybe we'll stop along the rocks and share a smoke, lookin out into the sea...and then for some reason, he'll remember an anecdote from the past and then retell it, anticipating my laughter, which may or may not come...I sit quietly for a few minutes and analyze what he has I understand his "joke":)? and then, if I don't understand it, I make fun of him instead...that way, I still have something to laugh about! haha:)...i miss my best friend in this world...someone who saw somethin special in me...don't know why but I'll let him be fooled a little longer...haven't been able to stop dreamin images of Mumbai...because of him, I had three of the most reflective and amazing months of my 27 you still feel like takin a walk with me? Can we stop for paaaaani puri:)? Please:)? Did ya know that it's Guju creation:)? dear friend that somehow stole my heart when my mind was driftin in another land...I awoke from another daydream and there he was, standing there smiling at me in the pink fog...he picked me up on that awful bike of his and we went for a ride to Haji Ali and Lonavla...and the tighter I held onto him in the cold, pouring rain, the wider that space in my heart opened up to someone new..."you come from far away with pictures in your eyes"...can you pick me up and twirl me in your arms? let's close our eyes and drift off into the pink fog...

Lady with Jasmine...incomplete story

Down a narrow, winding side street in an unknown section of Mumbai is the jasmine lady. Every morning she seems to emerge from the droplets of mist in the early dawn with her fresh garlands of milky white jasmine. The fragrance travels like a magical spell through the clusters of sari clad aunties, tirelessly bartering in the midday heat with vegetable and fruits vendors.

This street has become quite renowned for the sweet tempered old lady, settled like a lotus on a soft, white sheet. No one is sure where she lives or where she has come from, but she has been there for so many generations that her presence has been permanently etched into the painting of this famous street. A deep ocean blue sari flows forth like the ripples of a river, its velvet soft texture as soft as rose petals. Her eyes are like lucid pools of crystal water and her smile makes you feel like you’ve awoken from a hundred years of mystical dreams. She is known throughout simply as Sarawaswati.

Where do all her milky white garlands disappear to at the end of the day? For it seems that the layers of necklaces only increase in number, even as they’re sold one by one. When the rest of the city as fallen asleep under the spell of darkness, Sarawaswati calls upon the Devs and Devis. Festooned in her garlands, they flutter through the night, squeezing sweet drops of it fragrant juice on the children of the streets.


Tired of playing rewind on the legal case before me, hoping that I would finally focus this time around, I gave up this round and let my mind have its way. It’s a strange entity-the mind that is. It always wants to live the lives of two separate people-the relentless tug of war between “focus” and “wanderer”. Eventually, it seems that “wanderer” always takes the lead.

But today, in particular, “focus” was fighting a duel already lost. How could the detached legal memo that would someday lead me to the promise land of “meaningful career”, possibly compete with the background cacophony of Bandra or painted images of Chechnya?

“For a party to fulfill the elements of bystander recovery for the negligent infliction of emotional distress he must 1) be a close relative of the victim, 2) be present at the scene of the accident and be aware that the victim is being injured, and 3) as a result of experiencing the accident, suffer serious emotional injury that is accompanied by physical symptomatology.”

Whoa, right? I know, you’re probably thinking, “Where did that come from?”

Well, that’s what my mind has been battling with all day! After reading that statement in my legal memo for the umpteenth time, “focus” was given permission to take a guilt free nap.

Last night, I stepped outside of myself once again and watched as I engaged in a conversation about that week’s most surreal NY Times article. This time it was about the condition of Malawi prisons and decrepit legal system. There were graphic photographs of hundreds of black men jammed like snails into tiny cells that had the capacity for less than a fourth of them. Until mid morning break, they slept on their sides, permanently glued in that spoon like position, silently praying that that night, they would not be the victims of sex starved men. Some of them lived like this, without knowing why, for more than a decade. One meal of porridge a day and drinking water from the toilet if they were lucky.

I watched as I described these horrific images to the man next to me, as we sat amongst young “intellectuals” in a shishi restaurant located in one of those quaint, yuppie neighborhoods in the upscale part of town.

Why do people…why do we spend Friday evenings discussing such horrendous realities as we sip our bottled H2O or pinot grigio? Why do these images, presented in story like mode, fascinate and intrigue us?

Sometimes, it hits us that these “images”, brought to our doorsteps, IBMs, and Blackberries, are, in fact, not imaginary. Nor are they merely evocative photographs from the National Geographic’s 100 Best Photos.

They are real. The people, captured through the imaginative eyes of the artist, are real. They are depictions of real people.

Real black men born into the same world as mine, packed like spooning snails in dark cement rooms in a place called “Malawi” that if you wanted to, would be able to locate on world map maybe just XXX miles from us.

As I write these thoughts, an email from Chechnya evoke more images. In the middle of the night, bombs are heard exploding outside the windows of a friend’s apartment.

A telephone call to India, with the wonderful new Reliance minutes, allows me to hear noisy scooters mingling incongruously with bartering vendors outside another friend’s apartment in Bandra, somewhere in the heart of Mumbai.

And here I sit, in the southern United States, fixated on this idea of one world. Because for some reason, I’m becoming more and more convinced that it’s all a sham. “Unity” “Solidarity” “One World”-all of these ideas have established the façade of a single unit that is divided by inequality and disparity.

And then people like you and me intellectualize and ruminate for hours about how these conditions can possibly exist in the same world as our own. We soothe our heightened senses through philanthropy and “human rights” initiatives. Internationally authoritative bodies are created to break down the complexities. And NGOs flow like the uncontrollable tears of guilt ridden conscience throughout the campos, ghettos, slums, ghams, (etc) of this “world”.

Out of complete fixation, I began having one of those ridiculously “deep, I’m high on weed” sort of moments and I had the urge to research the etymology of this word “world”. But since I didn’t have online access at the moment, I ventured to think about this on my own.

Isn’t the word “world” only supposed to encompass one entity? But if it’s a single entity (or unit), like my body or your automobile, shouldn’t all the individual components of this world work in harmony to create a smoothly functioning system? Sure, my body or your automobile may break down once in a while…the imbalance of nutrients or insufficiency of transmission fluid sometimes results in temporary lapses in harmony. But there is never a complete systematic breakdown unless the body is attacked by an incurable disease or the automobile is so ill maintained that one day it coughs its last breath and slowly sputters to death.

But the entity called “world”, despite endless battles with horrific imbalances and insufficiencies, just hasn’t seemed to experience this complete systematic breakdown yet. On the contrary, while some parts are dying a slow death, other areas are thriving, fully functioning components that have the energy to discuss for hours, over intoxicating beverages like rich, dark Kenyan coffee and full bodied, Italian wine, about the slow death of our fellow “organs” and “engine parts”.

Wow…I guess in this particular entity called “world”, some components are pretty insignificant while others run supreme. What a strange entity, don’t you think?